Source code for odoo.addons.cmis_field.fields.cmis_folder

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016 ACSONE SA/NV (<>)
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
from operator import attrgetter
from odoo import fields, _
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from import pg_varchar

# pylint:disable=property-on-old-class
[docs]class CmisFolder(fields.Field): """ A reference to a cmis:folder. (cmis:objectId) :param backend_name: The attribute ``backend_name`` is mandatory if more than one backend id configured. Otherwize you must have configured one backend ir order to prevent errors when loading a view that includes this kind of field. :param allow_create: Allow create from UI (by default True) :param allow_delete: Allow delete from UI (by default False) :param create_method: name of a method that create the field into the CMIS repository. The method must assign the field on all records of the invoked recordset. The method is called with the field definition instance and the bakend as paramaters (optional) :param create_parent_get: name of a method that return the cmis:objectId of the folder to use as parent. The method is called with the field definition instance and the bakend as paramaters. (optional: by default the folder is created as child of backend.initial_directory_write + '/' model._name) :rtype: dict :return: a dictionay with an entry for each record of the invoked recordset with the following structure :: { 'cmis:objectId'} :param create_name_get: name of a method that return the name of the folder to create into the CMIS repository. The method is called with the field definition instance and the bakend as paramaters. (optional: by default instance.name_get) :rtype: dict :return: a dictionay with an entry for each record of the invoked recordset with the following structure :: { 'name'} :parem create_properties_get: name of a method that return a dictionary of CMIS properties ro use to create the folder. The method is called with the field definition instance and the bakend as paramaters (optional: default empty) :rtype: dict :return: a dictionay with an entry for each record of the invoked recordset with the following structure :: { {'cmis:xxx': 'val1', ...}} """ type = 'cmis_folder' column_type = ('varchar', pg_varchar()) _slots = { 'backend_name': None, 'create_method': None, 'create_name_get': 'name_get', 'create_parent_get': None, 'create_properties_get': None, 'allow_create': True, 'allow_delete': False, 'copy': False, # noderef are not copied by default } def __init__(self, backend_name=None, string=None, **kwargs): super(CmisFolder, self).__init__( backend_name=backend_name, string=string, **kwargs) def _description_backend(self, env): backend = self.get_backend(env, raise_if_not_found=False) if not backend: if self.backend_name: msg = (_('Backend named %s not found. ' 'Please check your configuration.') % self.backend_name) else: msg = _('No backend found. Please check your configuration.') return {'backend_error': msg} return backend.get_web_description()[] _description_allow_create = property(attrgetter('allow_create')) _description_allow_delete = property(attrgetter('allow_delete'))
[docs] def get_backend(self, env, raise_if_not_found=True): return env['cmis.backend'].get_by_name( self.backend_name, raise_if_not_found)
[docs] def create_value(self, records): """Create a new folder for each record into the cmis container and store the value as field value """ for record in records: self._check_null(record) if self.related: self._create_value_related(records) else: self._create_value(records)
def _create_value(self, records): backend = self.get_backend(records.env) if self.create_method: fct = self.create_method if not callable(fct): fct = getattr(records, fct) fct(self, backend) return self._create_in_cmis(records, backend) def _create_value_related(self, records): others = records.sudo() if self.related_sudo else records for record, other in zip(records, others): if not and record.env != other.env: # draft records: copy record's cache to other's cache first fields.copy_cache(record, other.env) other, field = self.traverse_related(other) field.create_value(other) record[] = other[] def _create_in_cmis(self, records, backend): names = self.get_create_names(records, backend) parents = self.get_create_parents(records, backend) properties = self.get_create_properties(records, backend) repo = backend.get_cmis_repository() for record in records: name = names[] if backend.enable_sanitize_cmis_name: name = backend.sanitize_cmis_name(name) else: backend.is_valid_cmis_name(name, raise_if_invalid=True) parent = parents[] name = backend.get_unique_folder_name(name, parent) props = properties[] or {} value = repo.createFolder( parent, name, props) self.__set__(record, value.getObjectId()) def _check_null(self, record, raise_exception=True): val = self.__get__(record, record) if val and raise_exception: raise UserError(_('A value is already assigned to %s') % self) return val
[docs] def get_create_names(self, records, backend): """return the names of the folders to create into the CMIS repository for the given recordset. :rtype: dict :return: a dictionay with an entry for each record with the following structure :: { 'name'} """ if self.create_name_get == 'name_get': return dict(records.name_get()) fct = self.create_name_get if not callable(fct): fct = getattr(records, fct) return fct(self, backend)
[docs] def get_create_parents(self, records, backend): """return the cmis:objectId of the cmis folder to use as parent of the new folder. :rtype: dict :return: a dictionay with an entry for each record with the following structure :: { 'cmis:objectId'} """ if self.create_parent_get: fct = self.create_parent_get if not callable(fct): fct = getattr(records, fct) return fct(self, backend) path_parts = self.get_default_parent_path_parts(records, backend) parent_cmis_object = backend.get_folder_by_path_parts( path_parts, create_if_not_found=True) return dict.fromkeys(records.ids, parent_cmis_object)
[docs] def get_create_properties(self, records, backend): """Return the properties to use to created the folder into the CMIS container. :rtype: dict :return: a dictionay with an entry for each record with the following structure :: { {'cmis:xxx': 'val1', ...}} """ if self.create_properties_get: fct = self.create_properties_get if not callable(fct): fct = getattr(records, fct) return fct(self, backend) return dict.fromkeys(records.ids, None)
[docs] def get_default_parent_path_parts(self, records, backend): """Return the default path parts into the cmis container to use as parent on folder create. By default: backend.initial_directory_write / record._name """ path_parts = backend.initial_directory_write.split('/') path_parts.append(records[0]._name.replace('.', '_')) return path_parts
[docs] def get_cmis_object(self, record): """Returns an instance of :class:`cmislib.browser.binding.BrowserFolder` This instance is a proxy object that can be used to perform action on the folder into the cmis container :param record: """ val = self.__get__(record, record) if not val: return None backend = self.get_backend(record.env) repo = backend.get_cmis_repository() return repo.getObject(val)