- Manage versions when a document is uploaded (selection between minor or major version, add comment information)
- Display document versions: Preview/download of a specific version of an item. Preview of the item associated properties
- Edit offline (item check-out & locking)/Update a new version/Cancel editing (document unlock)
- Edit online (with MS Office suite)
- Folder suppression: synchronization between the odoo record and the linked alfresco folder
- Some sort of document type management.
- Some sort of meta-data synchronization
- A new field CmisDocument used to link to a specific CMIS document/version in an Odoo form (with its dedicated widget)
- Some kind of integration between Odoo e-mailing and Alfresco
- A new controller acting as a proxy between Odoo and CMIS to avoid to allow CORS requests and simplify the deployment.
This functionality is under development see